Tis’ the Season

The holiday season is upon us and we are officially celebrating six months of Post 21! It has been nothing short of a beautiful journey thus far. As I reflect on the 2020 year, I am grateful for the gifts I’ve been blessed with. I’m talking about the real gifts - Family, health, love, happiness, and purpose. It’s sometimes easy to forget all the things there are to be grateful for. And of course, it’s fun to get some new clothes, a new Iphone, and art pieces but the real gifts go far beyond that.
I mean honestly, what a year it has been. With Covid-19, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, the election, it has been an overwhelming past nine months. But I hope we can all reflect on some good that has come out of this year because I’ve witnessed Black people launch beautiful businesses, people come together and march alongside each other, overflowing support of black owned brands, fundraisers for amazing causes, and so much more. A very historic year it has been, filled with chaos and uncertainties, but also lessons and blessings. To be here today is a gift. I am grateful for that. What are you grateful for?
Happy Holidays